Consumer Report


With the promise of keeping my house out of foreclosure a bogus Deed of Trust was filed on my house for $375,000 dollars and now that there is a cash buyer and the bank has accepted the offer they will no release the Deed will not answer our phone calls will not sign the paper work needed by the title company and are going to derail this cash offer. I will spend my last penny to sue and make sure they are liable for my 2.7 million dollar deficiency, along with my prior real estate agent who I fired for getting me into this shady deal to begin with.

Country: USA
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Brian Buchanan Esq
Committed Criminal Fraud. My retirement home was given to my son (50%) without my signature

Matt Battiata Battiata Real Estate Company
Matt Battiata Battiata Real Estate Company The Worst Agent Ever! Very Deceitful

Fairbanks Capital Corporation
Rip-off dishonest selling of house

Anthony c. chalas. faith property mang
Tony chalas white feather trust he took 7000 dollars dn to owner finace a house he doesnt own. Now bank is foreclosing after 1 month

Satellite Systems Network - Direct Satellite Network Solutions
Ripoff, deceitful, liars

Medline Marketing, Jimmy Dawood
Consumer Report

Thomas Brabandt
No Deed for Real Estate purchase on E-bay

Premium Universal Lottery - Richard Gayol
Premium universal lottery promotions richard gayol is a rip-off! I want his head on a platter. West yorkshire web

Fairbanks Capital Corp
Fairbanks Capital Corp paid off our house, now selling it, never sent us a deed release ripoff business from hell Salt Lake City Jacksonville, FL

Circuit City Electronic Stores
Deceptive and misleading information for chance to win $10,000.00 Ripoff