Detective Magic
Consumer Report


I paid $8.99 to do miscellaneous searches and I could only find pages saying we can not display this page. I tried to find their web page and I could not longer find it. I am afraid they could steal my personal info. Even though is only $8.99 I like my money back because I do not like their online behavior. Thanks

Company: Detective Magic
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Manchester
ZIP: 06040
Address: 17 McKinley St
Phone: 8606451240
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Harris Digital Publishing Group
Net detective rip off all

Web Detective
Phillip Mason I paid them. I had difficulty navigating on website. Sent several e-mails, NO response as promised in promotion RIPOFF

Net Detective

Net Detective - HD Publishing
Net Detective - Net Detective = Get Defective! The Webs Greatest Deceiver & Super Scammer of all Time

Net Detective C/o Hd Publishing Group
Net Detective Is a Rip-Off - They Keep Charging You - Find More Info in Public Records DELAND, FL

Net Detective
What a scam!

Harris Digital Publishing Group
Savannah Richards - Net Detecti Once I had finished fillinig the Info on pg1 for ordering Net Detective, it took me to a page that had all my info filled out except my seecurity code. I put it iin and it upgraded me to Plus Version. Ripoff

Net Detective
Their search engine is only about half a step up from the free white pages. Save your money!

Harris Digital Publishing And Cyberspace To Paradise, Inc
Harris Digital Publishing And Cyberspace To Paradise Fraudulent Advertising and Deceptive Tactics

Net Detective
Net detectives took my money and I got scammed