Ikono1 (email seozoon@gmail.com) on freelancer.com
Consumer Report


As a freelancer, on freelancer.com, I got accepted on a project posted by user rikno1 (a.K.A. Seo zoon) on 22th July 13 to build a site. This person gave me all details how this job should be done, but also asked me to buy a theme with my own money and install it on his server and start working, he/she said that in the end he will pay me for the theme and also for the work done. He/she assured me that he/she is a good payer, has good reviews etc. I checked his profile and convinced myself. I paid for the product (stupid and naive me), and started working on the project, after two weeks of intense work finished it. But my employer was not answering. After one week he answered saying that his boss wants to pay me, but only after I buy another product, a module, install it on a certain site and he will increase my payment and pay me immediately. Of course, I fell for that trap again by believing him. Paid for the module, installed it and here i am again. Fooled. After another week, i still have no answer from him, lost time and effort and with a total amount of $304 loss. After some research on internet, I found that this person is a scammer and i will never get my money from him. Please read this and never trust a person with email seozoon@gmail.com.

Company: Ikono1 (email seozoon@gmail.com) on freelancer.com
Country: USA
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SEOZOON is the username in freelancer.com Seozoon is from Bangladesh. She is a freelancer with freelancer.com, She has been advertizing with freelancer that she can create a website that can make $10-15 daily with Google Adsense. When i s Internet

SEOZOON, (This is her username in Freelancer.com)
Consumer Report

SEOZoon, Freelancer.com
Consumer Report

Lies and thief's on freelancer.com. Www.freelancer.com/u/deviphoneipad.html this guy here was begging to take a big project that we had in our company. After telling me to pay for it

Consumer Report

Freelancer.com cheated to my milestone payment and suspeended my account

Freelancer Australia Pty Limited
Freelancer.com Project submitted in error, but Freelancer would not refund my commission fee

Stay away from this one

Techno Mavens Group Scam
ITechMavens Did not deliver project, Stole my money, Complete Freelancer Scam

Freelancer.com, formerly GetAFreelancer, Stollen by freelancer.com Internet