Someone impersonating a Chase Bank employee
Consumer Report


I received a phone call from someone claiming to be from Chase bank, with which my home is financed. The woman said she was calling to "collect a debt" - to wit: my August mortgage payment, which wasn't even overdue. I told her that the payment was still within the grace period, but that I had planned to pay it that day anyway. She said that Chase needed to know if she provided good service to me via her phone call. I said, "No, you didn't provide a service at all! You called to "collect" a mortgage payment that's not overdue. She then said, "We're going to set up an automatic withdrawal from your checking account each month" (presumably to make payments easier). I said, emphatically, "NO!" Had I wanted to do it that way, I would have set it up in the first place. She finally said thank you and I hung up on her. I knew it was a scam because my bank doesn't call people about an overdue mortgage payment (when one IS overdue). They send a friendly letter or reminder - or the balance forward appears on the next month's statement.

Company: Someone impersonating a Chase Bank employee
Country: USA
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Chase Mortgage
Mortgage Payment - Mortgage Payment

Chase - J.P. Morgan
Chase, JP Morgan, Chase Bank, Chase Finance Chase is Horrible

Chase Bank
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Chase Mortgage
Lost Payment - Mortgage

Chase Home Finance
Mortgage Payment - CHASE HOME FINANCE

Chase - JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A
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JP Morgan Chase Mortgage
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Chase Mortgage
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Chase Home Finance
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