Web Profits From Home
Consumer Report


I was just looking for a legit internet work from home job when I encountered this site and I immediately tried it. They let me input my information as well as my credit card data. When I was directed to their home site, I read the articles on it and did not found any writings that would tell you what will be your business. Just a crap of assisting you earning MONEY online. Then I turned to google to try looking for reviews about this, and I wanted to punch my monitor when I found out that it was a SCAM!

I called my credit card provider and asked if I could canceled that registration but they todl me that it was an "auto-debit" and only the merchant can cancel that.

I read more, I can't just let this happen. Then I saw a complaint here and he said the only way to cancel this is to terminate your card. So I called up again my card provider and request to terminate my card. Unfortunately I was still charged $20 dollars and I needed to pay it.

Never ever try an online (Inappropriate Content Removed) like this.

Company: Web Profits From Home
Country: USA
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