Boehm-ritter, Inc
Boehm-ritter ripoff, false addvertisement, take advantage of people


I Feel that i should not have to pay for a free sample! I sent back any other packages they sent thru!
They did not say to send back any unused portions!
I sent a unwanted package on oct 14th!
I have a confirmation # to that effect.
This company is done this to alot of people from
the reports i have seen!
I only had the 10day free trial jar! I cancelled
any further orders on here a few days after i tried it!
Thank you for any help

Company: Boehm-ritter, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: NAPA
Address: 871 LATOUR COURT
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Boehm - Ritter Fraudulent Billing Practices

Boehm-ritter Nexiderm Inc. Rip-off! Dishonest fraudulent billing!

Boehm Ritter - Nexiderm SP
Boehm-Ritter Inc., Nexiderm-SP rip-off!

Boehm - Ritter
Boehm-Ritter Overcharged Shipping and Handling by $80 for an allegedly "free" product

Boehm-Ritter Nexiderm
Boehm-Ritter, Nexiderm ripoff

Boehm Ritter

Boehm -Ritter
Boehm - Ritter ripoff Free 10 day trial billed in 4 days Sent second order unsolicited and charged my Amex Exchange made it cost $73 Canadian for an item not worth $5

Boehm-ritter, Inc. New York Ny
BOEHM-RITTER, Nexiderm Inc. Entered free trial subscription offer, with 14 day cancel. Followed exact procedures to cancel, go the cancellation confirmation from them via email, and over the phone, and they still billed me!

Ripoff charged me $89.95 and 5.95 for the same sample

Ripoff not free tried to cancel the order, they captured the credit card numbe