Consumer Report


JT (Jesse) going to England to perform with John Cleese
Very personable, suggested books for children in hospitals
Came to my senses this morning, googled company and found your site
Went online and stopped payment of my check, better out 20.00 for fee then 60.00
Always check out company BEFORE giving away your hard earned money

Company: ExpeditionSales.com
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
ZIP: 85085
Address: 24820 N. 16th Ave, Suite 110
Phone: 6026523999
Site: expeditionsales.com
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Expedition Sales
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Expedition Sales
Consumer Report

The Experience, LLC
Ripped off by fake student

The Experience, LLC
Experience Sales Door to door solicito

Katerina Cizova
She was a door to door sale's person selling children learning books

Prestige Sales USA
Sold me two books which were to be given to needy children

Consumer Report

Prestige Sales USA
Fraud and cheating

Experience Sales
Selling Children's books to be sent to underpriviledged kids