Consumer Report


I have been contacted several times from this number 424-672-2205 and today I was contacted again from this number by a person named Michael. The person that calls me has an middle eastern accent. The caller tells me i am in legal financial trouble.

Company: 4246722205
Country: USA
Phone: 4246722205
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Consumer Report

Officer Steve Martin with the United Nations Legal Department
Left me an alerting message pertaining to a family member who was in "huge trouble." He told me to call him back to hear about the case. He had a very strong Middle Eastern accent

Middle Eastern Accent! Fake name of Adam Smith! Rude!

Auto Loan Network
Personal Information Phishing

Acs Incorporated
Claiming I owe money for loan I never applied for and never received

American Legal Services
Peter Watson Threatened me with a lawsuit against me and my social security number

Dexter Cruz
Peter Johnson Peter Johnson says he is a clerk and I must call Dexter Cruz about legal action against me

Dept of Law and Investigation (Mike Anderson)
Scam scam scam!

American Credit Services
Very scary-had all my personal information-wouldn't tell me who they were

US Attorny at Law Office I have been receiving multiple calls from a number that shows up in my phone as 100-000-000. When I answer the phone a person with a foreign accent tells me that they are representing US Atoorey at La