Regatta View LLC
Consumer Report


This company was found on looking for someone who can process their data that wants to work from home. After doing extensive research on this company even doing google search and finding the company on the map we went ahead and started working for them. When I got my first and only "account" I had to process payments for them, but when my account was frozen and fraud was put out. There I contacted them and they still tried to get more money from me. Come to find out that not only did they put money in my account but they where able to get into someone else account and took it from them. So not only am I a victim so is this other person and I'm being held responsible so not only do I have to pay for the person they stole from but I don't have any money to take care of my family because my account was emptied. This company is ridicules and not trust worthy!!!

Company: Regatta View LLC
Country: USA
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QNX Group Ltd
Consumer Report

American Credit Collectors Inc
Stole My Money

Independent Producers Of America IPA
Careerbuilder scap

TNT Incorp - Trust And Trade - T&T Corporation - Eachgroup - Martin Lesowski - Phillip Ojeda
Transfer money for us. Earn fast cash. And then we take all YOUR money

Ms. Anne-Maria Bongos, Frontline Consumer Research Group
Ms. Anne-Maria Bongos Frontline Consumer Research Group mailed a bad check to be deposited into my account for transaction, caused my account to be frozen

Direct readers guild
Company called saying i was being held accountable for an account i was unaware of

Mortage modification, did'nt fill out the kit, cancelled, they withdrew $1000 from my account, unauthorized

23/08/2011 Punitro NHelp. 800 882 6119 Mu Fcy Amo Unt 39.95 Ccy Co N
Consumer Report

Bank Of America - Intelius - TLG
Bank of America in Cahoots with Intelius and TLG

Capital One, Hartford Auto American Leisure Card
Various rip offs using various names Capital One, Hartford Auto, First Union, Capital First they move every week