Consumer Report


Received a letter saying I won $24000 guaranteed. But had to pay $70 for process and delivery fee and post to Netherlands. I am tired of these scams getting hopes up and then find in small print it is a contest where many thousands of others compete for the very prize that they said was already won. Deliberate manipulation and jargon to scam poor people of their life money. I claim mental distress and the time I took to read information and research the contest.

Company: A.P.M.e
Country: USA
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World Pet Contest
Scam Pet Lovers Beware Worl Pet Contest is a SCAM

National Awards Commission

Freelancer.com hosts shady contests Internet

Your entry into our contest
Consumer Report

Information Reporting Group
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Dr. Gerald Grant - Foundation Of The Club Of Multimillionaires
Automobile Prize or Cash Scammers Through Postal Service

International Library Of Poetry Poetry.com
International Library Of Poetry (aka) Poetry.com ripoff false promises tricked and lied to us false hopes

$49.95 Any Sewer Or Drain Company
Sewer, drain, contest

Readers Digest Attn. Ben Hainsworth
This letter is to inform you of the release of the readers digest lotto