International Library Of Poetry
International Library Of Poetry (aka) ripoff false promises tricked and lied to us false hopes

Internet & Web

I entered the poetry contest in hopes of getting my work out there and hopefully winning some much needed cash. I am a stay at home mom and any extra income is greatly appreciated.

After entering the contest I recieved a letter from claiming that I was a semi-finalist and guaranteed some sort of prize, ranging from $50,000 down to a bronze medal. I entered the poem in June and should have received something by now. I have received nothing but shattered hopes and dreams.

I've been writing since I was a child and never had the courage to let people see my work. When I came across the contest I decided I was ready to put my poetry out there. I was so happy when I got word that not only was I a finalist, but also that they wanted my poem for publication in an anthology. I figured this was it! After all these years of self-doubt about my writing, I was really good enough. I would become a recognized poet. Wrong!

Luckily I never gave them any money. Not only are these people trying to scam us out of money, but they're also taking away people's hope, confidence, and ruining their dreams. While they should feel ashamed, I doubt people like that could, seeing as how they have no heart.
I hope that all of the artists they've scammed can pick themselves up after this and keep writing. Myself included.

Company: International Library Of Poetry
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Owing Mills
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The International Library of Poetry
Ripoff of poetry

International library of poetry
They used my poetry without my consent and (aka International Library of Poetry) aka International Library of Poetry -A MEAN SPIRITED RIP-OFF GOES WORLD-WIDE

The International Library Of Poetry
Aka National Library Of Poetry, Aka Poetry ripoff

The International Library Of Poetry -
The International Library Of Poetry continual offers "your nomination for Who's Who in Poetry - International Library Of Poetry International Library Of Poetry After writing a poem, they sent a letter telling me I had talent and encourage me to buy their book at 49.99, that I will be published in, what a scam! / International Library Of Poetry
Messed with my daughter's emotions with their dishonest, fake, stupid scam
International Library Of Poetry ripoff, sells you your own poetry. Everybody is a winner no matter how bad you are

Poetry - The International Library Of Congress - Noble House Poetry
Poetry - The International Libray Of Congress - Noble House Poetry They ripped me off. They tried to get thousands of dollars out of me. Ripoff
International society of poetry DON'T HELP SUPPORT CON ARTISTS & BUY FROM Owings Mills