LPG Holdings
Consumer Report


I lost my card and found transactions from this company on my transaction history days after I lost my card and they called my phone and asked me if I checked out the program and I didn't know what they was talking about I just want my hard earned money back asap

Company: LPG Holdings
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Akron
ZIP: 44301
Address: 622 Cora Avenue
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CC Bill.com
Elaine - Representative This is a ripoff internet scam. While on phone i noticed another unauthorized transaction from my account while talking to this so called company. This Company is a scam. Don't give them your card

Netspend Corporation Dba (All-Access Prepaid Visa Card)
Allowed Unauthorized Transactions even after notifying them while the transactions were still pending! Oxford, Alabama

AP9*Privacy Matters

BB&T Branch Banking And Trust Co
Took 36 hours to post two test transactions totalling 61 cents to account history

Overdraft fee on no transaction!

Merchant Services Inc

Money Card

Internet Profit Gene
Charged my bank card $84.72

Walmart.com walmart never sent the gift card $200 I paid fo

CIC Credit Monitering Services
Or Triple Advantage Credit Report monitering I was chared for a credit report I never asked for nor did I recieve one!