NC Potions
Consumer Report


@approximately 4:53 PM EST I received a call from, 248-2431211, this appears as a Michigan call. Thinking it resembled a number i might know, I re-dialed and got an answer from a computer generated voice saying I had reached NC Positions and that I had filled out an online form on the internet searching for work. From there, It asked me to press 1 to speak to an agent or 2 if I wanted to be removed from the list. I just hang up.

Company: NC Potions
Country: USA
Phone: 2482431211
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WN Positions
Consumer Report

Warranty Division Inc
Alledgely Selling For Auto Warranty Division Identity Thieves

Car Insurance Warranty
(unknown) non stop cell number calls! Using my time and my minutes telling me

Telemarketing Scam Vishing Scam
You receive a call offering to reduce your interest rates - computer generated Internet

Misleading sign up for text service

WN Positions
Consumer Report

Continental Warranty
Bad sales practices, calls after you tell them not to

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Misdialed 800 number leads to phony cell phone charges

WN Positions
Consumer Report

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