Consumer Report


There calling say that i have been given a grant of 5000 dollars they need my checking acount or a loaded money card to send the money to me also they have use the 1-888-888-8888 number also

Company: 12026979205
Country: USA
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Grant America
866-454-4564 Offers $5000, non re-payable, for $249 fee and they give you $500 FRAUD! Roger Hoyes

Cca First National Card
ATheives fradulent sadistic no good son of a

Grant Educational Resources
Grant Educational Resorces Grant scam free government money get money from government ripoff

Kensington Assistance Agency
Sent green card to get a grant

Kensington Assistance Agency
Ripoff, took money and never come up with a grant

Advantage America
Ripoff Dishonest fraudulent billing deceptive lies

American Benefit Services
Free Government Grant, never pay back, postcard

Capital Grants Usa
GRANT SCAM - Ripped me off for hundreds of DOLLARS!

Government Grant Association
Ripoff, $5000 grant

USA Grant Kit
Consumer Report