Consumer Report


This company continually calls my home phone. On a regular bases then hangs up. I have called them and requested to have my name and phone number removed from their calling list. They were rude and hung up yet again. I feel this company is a scam looking for unsuspecting pawns to
Take advantage of.

Company: 7028799205
Country: USA
Phone: 7028799205
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Consumer Report

Auto Warranty Pro's
Harassing phone calls

No Identification
Consumer Report

Phone Fraud
Consumer Report

DCS - Diversified Collection Services
Continue calling our home for someone that we've never heard of, then are RUDE TO US!

SLG Sales
Calls and hangs up

Harrasing phone calls, Scaring family, Rude, Threatening

Vacation Professionals

Dominos Pizza
Dominos will not quit their automated calling - I work 3rd shift!

Global Advantage
RCS Center Corporation, RCS Center Corporation aka Global Advantage— Constant phone calls