Zoom Media Connect
Consumer Report


Signed Up with Zoom Media Connect for Some Advertizing to Play at 2 Golds Gyms in Salt Lake City. I have went to both locations to make sure they are Running my ad as promised, and have Never seen it once!!! Have called and Made Several Complaints and no One seams to Care now they have my Money? I sure Hope you can Help a Gurl with a Small Business Get Even!!! ;) Thank you for your Time

Company: Zoom Media Connect
Country: USA
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Paint Zoom Paint Sprayer
Do not buy paint zoom! Run! False advertisement!

Legal Zoom
Applied for a copyright and never received it after paying Legal Zoom almost 200.00

Legal Zoom - Legal services for applying for Not-for-profit status

Legal Zoom
Legal Zoom Business Forms - legal forms

Legal Zoom
Rush limbaugh

Legal zoom
Do not use Legal Zoom

Legal Zoom
Legal Zoom getting a business license

Legal Zoom
Very unhappy - llc setup

Legal Zoom
They make cancellation of services extremely inconveinient - Legal Zoom Forms Plan

Legal Zoom
Legal Zoom - didn't do such a great job but came through in the end - LLC setup