McGraw Hill Publishing
Consumer Report


My daughter signed up for an on-line math class taught through Tacoma Community College. The only class fee listed on her account was 11 dollars. When she got to class today the teacher informed the students they would need to purchase access to an on-line software program called"ALEKS". For one hundred dollars, students are provided an access code to use the program for the quarter. This is a scam!
100 Dollars for TEMMPORAY access to a program she's never going to use again. At least with a textbook, the student can resell the book once the class is over. And very few introductory math textbooks cost 100 this situation there are no publishing costs so the company receives 100 percent profit and the student gets nothing back.
If this sort of fee for temporary software access is a publishing industry standard for on-line courses, it's based on flagrant greed.
It not only takes advantage of students but also the funding organizations related to higher education!

Company: McGraw Hill Publishing
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
ZIP: 10121
Address: Two Penn Plaza
Phone: 2129042000, 8003383987
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Santa monica college
Smc unfair practice for students

Devry University Online
DeVry I was set up to fail and allowed to enter a class I didn't have the proper prerequisite for

LaGuardia Community College
Someone is using his or her position to get personal benefit from requring specific books and pass codes 18772926442
Consumer Report

Fortis College
Bohecker College, Tuition Thiefs

Apollo College
Attended for veterinary "technician" What a joke

ITT Technical Institute
Lies at enrollment, and very little actual education. Horrible curriculum

Wyotech daytona
Corinthian colleges Misleading representation. No inforcement of code of conduct and proffesionalism

Central Community College & Werner Enterprises
Central Community College and Werner Enterprises Greed not Education, student ripoff

Olympia Career Training Institute - Corinthian College
Complete scam, waste of time, unethical, ex-employee knows