DSmark Collgenta.com
Consumer Report


Bought a sample paid p&p on my credit card in April/may. Then in June they have taken money from my card without my permission have tried to contact them no answer! This company should not be allowed to continue. Have informed my bank they are looking into this fraud.

Company: DSmark Collgenta.com
Country: USA
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Dead Sea Kit Company
Consumer Report

DsMark*DeadSea Kit
Consumer Report

DRI Ca.com
I checked my credit card account on the internet this morning and discovered that $29.99 had been charged to my credit card

I ordered a sample face cream for $3.95 they never sent the sample and put a second charge on my credit card for #34.95 with out my permission and stated they will not give me my money back

Lean Life Pm
Myaluminator ripoff erroneous charges billed my credit card without permission scam artist deceitful

DSMark Collengata
Consumer Report

DSMark DeadSeaset.com Bought Samples For £3.99 And This Month They H
Consumer Report

Still Bridge Medical, IP LIPOPLEX
Ten days after receiving the sample producy, the company charged my account $99.95 without my permission

National Health Network
Consumer Report

DSMark DeadSeaSet.com
Consumer Report