Still Bridge Medical, IP LIPOPLEX
Ten days after receiving the sample producy, the company charged my account $99.95 without my permission

Health & Medicine

The company charged my account $99.95 without my permission and will not answer any calls nor return any calls. I held on for one hour and 30 minutes with no response. I did receive a sample and then about 10 days later I find this extra charge on my bank account! I filed fraud charges with my bank today and they are going to investigate as well as the card company.

Company: Still Bridge Medical, IP LIPOPLEX
Country: USA
Phone: 8005978533
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Steel Bridge Medical, Lipoplex
Steel Bridge Medical Lipoplex Posted unauthorized charges of $99.95 to my debit card

Steel Bridge Medical
Only ordered sample bottle of Lipoplex and was sent 2. Then I was charged $99.95 and sent 2 bottles of Lipoplex I did not order

Steel Bridge Medical
Only ordered sample bottle of Lipoplex and was sent 2. Then I was charged $99.95 and sent 2 bottles of Lipoplex I did not order

Steel Bridge Medical — Lipoplex
Steel Bridge Medical - Lipoplex Not such a great "FREE" sample!

Steel Bridge Medical
Sent me 'free' trial - They said I had to cancel my order within 10 days of 'original' call so they automatically charged my credit card $99.95

Charged my bank card twice without my knowledge or permission

Steel Bridge
Lipoplex Unauthorized Charge

Steel Bridge Medical
More unauthorized and fraudulent charges to my credit card ripoff

Steel Bridge Medical
Charged unauthorized $99.95 to my bank

SBI Lipoplex, Steel Bridge Medical
Never sent sample, but sent 2 mo supply and put $99.95 charge on checking acct