Raspberry Ultra Drops
Consumer Report


After seeing this product promoted online in a way it was endorsed by Fox we ordered the product for $209,94
Later the same day we became aware of this add, as well as the product, was reported as spam.
We immediately tried to stop the purchase without success and a week later the product arrived.
We are currently trying to have the product returned at no cost, however Customer Support [DZonesups@Gmail.com] insist that we pay for shipping and some transaction fees.
(I notice with interest that another customer were expected to pay 50% as a part of the return.)
It is also interesting that the company name for the charge on the credit card bill is WALPAY LIMITED.
I am truing to determine the association between the two companies but requests for information addressed to [DZonesups@Gmail.com] has not resulted in a positive response.

Please find copy of request for a refund as submitted to [DZonesups@Gmail.com]

Dear Nancy H

Thank you for your email.
Please note that the previously submitted link to an add for this product is considered spam and that as a customer I was deliberately misled.
Therefore I do not consider this a normal customer - vendor relationship for online purchases.
In order for me to appropriately review your company's policies as well as any governing bodies of this policy, please forward to me the policy as a complete document including any appendices.
PDF format would be appreciated.
It would also be helpful if you can ensure it is clear in the documentation what company's policy is in effect as I notice your email address do not reflect the company we placed the order with.
A disclosure of the business relationship between the companies involved would also be helpful.

If a formal customer complaint section is not included in this policy, please include the preferred escalation process in order for me to direct an appeal to your mail below.
If the use of contact information in written communication is properly explained in the document I would greatly appreciate that future communications include an appropriate business signature including a full name, title and telephone number.

Thank you and I look forward to bringing this unfortunate case to a conclusion favorable to all parties

Company: Raspberry Ultra Drops
Country: USA
Phone: 8888226343, 6504256803
Site: raspberryultradrops.com
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Customer Support [DZonesups@Gmail.com]
Consumer Report

Raspberry Ultra Drops
Consumer Report

Raspberry Ultra Drops
Consumer Report

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Raspberry Ultra Drops
Consumer Report

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