US Domain Registra
Consumer Report


Received a fax saying "Final Notice" from US Name Registrar. Thank goodness when I googled the the scam alter website came up. These people are stealing your money. Ask them how they sleep at night? When I called they hung up on me when I asked them if they were a scam! So I called back and told him a fake credit card number and asked him how does it feel to be scammed.

Company: US Domain Registra
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Alexandria
ZIP: 71315
Address: PO Box 12702
Phone: 80069012690
  <     >  


US Domain Registra
Consumer Report

US Domain Registra
Consumer Report

US Domain Registra
Consumer Report

US Domain Registra
Consumer Report

US Name Registra
Consumer Report

US Domain Registra
Consumer Report

US Domain Registrar Domain renewal scam
US Domain Registrar internet domain registrar scam fraud rippoff regista

US Domain Registra
Consumer Report

Domain Registrar Rights, aka NameRegistrar.Us
Consumer Report