Denise Greenberg/Peter Besner ParcelFriend Toronto And The UK
Consumer Report


Went down exactly like the other complaints on here. Seemed legit but I should have looked further. Parcelfriend is a real company and I was in a hurry. Learned from this to always take your time. Money was actually sent to a Peter besner in the united kingdom so I presume this isn't actually Denise Greenberg from Toronto. No matter how legit something seems never never never!!! Do a money transfer. I knew better and now I'm out 500 dollars. Not about the money tho this person or people is taking advantage of honest hard working people. I would spend another 500 just to bring them to justice. Be careful people!!!

Company: Denise Greenberg/Peter Besner ParcelFriend Toronto And The UK
Country: USA
State: Essex
City: London
Address: PO Box 1971, Ilfor
Phone: 7940782016
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Parcel Friend
Consumer Report

Denise Greenberg & ParcelFriend
Consumer Report

Parcel Friend
Consumer Report

Denise Greenberg
Consumer Report

Parcel Friend, Denise Greenberg
Consumer Report

Denise Greenberg
Consumer Report

Debra Crowde
Consumer Report

Parcel Friend
Consumer Report

Denise Greenberg
Consumer Report

Parcel Friend
Consumer Report