Debra Crowde
Consumer Report


"Debra" had advertised a brand new Samsung Note II on craigslist for $200. Gave me same speech about now living in Toronto and sent me a Parcel Friend invoice to pay the $200 through Western Union to an agent named Peter Besner to the location of Bolton, UK. This seemed fishy so I decided to google the ParcelFriend and I found these reports. The email that "she" used with me is Hope this helps someone like it did me.

Company: Debra Crowde
Country: USA
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Parcel Friend
Consumer Report

Parcel Friend
Consumer Report

Debra Crowde
Consumer Report

Parcel Friend
Consumer Report

Parcel Friend
Consumer Report

Parcel Friend
Consumer Report

Parcel Friend
Consumer Report

Debra Crowde
Consumer Report

Debra Crowde
Consumer Report

Parcel Friend
Consumer Report