Larry Hourd Judges Office& Decisions Center PO Box 2905 Kansas City
Consumer Report


Got "Award Notification " in mail. ANC wants me to send $11.89 as part of the claiming process for outlandish amt. Of money ($1,980, 000).
This pitch is as bad as the Nigerian cons. That keep coming via email.

How dumb are these jokers? How many trees were killed to print this crap?
If the return envelope was postage paid, I would wrap it around a brick and send it back at their expense. (Post Office won't let me do this).

Company: Larry Hourd Judges Office& Decisions Center PO Box 2905 Kansas City
Country: USA
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Larry Hourd Judges Office& Decisions Center PO Box 2905 Kansas City
Consumer Report

Award Notification Commission
Consumer Report

Central award distribution
C.A.D. Congradulations you won 2,000, 000 dollara

Award notification commision
Office of the president scammed me out of 11.89 saying i won 2000000! Im embarrassed i told everyone i won! Looks official!

Award Notification Commission
Rip off Award noifaction commision notice by us mail. Send $11.89 for $1, ooo, ooo, 000.00

Judging and Evaluation Center
They keep sending me prize notifications. They want to award me $2,000, 000.00 if I send a fee of $11.89 to ANC. They don't include any phone no. Or fax number or any names. They have given me an id # 7

Award Notification Commission
This is a total scam. I hope enough people write in to save those people who have sent in their $11.98 processing fee. Whoever is behind this can be recieving a lot of money, if enough people send mail notification fraud

Award notification commission
William McPherson, Senior Award Review Officer telling me I had the winning number and to send in $14.95 for a rush on a premium offer of $2,500.00 gift certificate

Anc Award Notificatio0n Commission, Aka

National Awards Commission
Award notification commission award notification commission