Martin Parke
Consumer Report


A low life using the obviously assumed name of Martin Parker sent a TXT to my cellphone. This rotten rodent informed me I had won 2 million Brit. Pds. I was instructed to send an email back & induced into sending a fairly large sum of money (for me anyway) to a legal firm.
This arsehole has obviously dudded me and I would PAY ANYTHING to see his dead body. And, I am so angry and upset that at the age of 84, I would PAY ANYTHING to see this scumbag dead.
I have only about 10 weeks to live (terminal cancer of the pancreas), have no relatives to leave what I own (lovely house, about $75,000 and many antiques. It will go to the exterminator of Martin Parker.
Respond to this email, do the job and the above is yours.

Company: Martin Parke
Country: USA
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