Dead Sea Plus
Consumer Report


I would like you to be aware and inform your subscribers of the above company. They advertise with Google Adwords for a free sample of various beauty products from the Dead Sea. I chose three face creams, paid the postage of £3.95 "that's all you have to pay" on 6th May. Now I find they have debited my account for a further £95.97 which I would never have agreed to.

There is no mention of a further charge, certainly no mention of the amount. The bank tell me they cannot get this back as I should have cancelled it, but people should be aware of this company. They also do not tell you they are in Israel, so very hard to return things to because of the cost.

Can you publish this information, please.

Margaret Brazea

Company: Dead Sea Plus
Country: USA
Phone: 8008997999, 4402035822983
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Dead Sea Beauty Kit
Consumer Report

Dead Sea Beauty Kit
Consumer Report

Dead Sea Kit Company
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Dead Sea Kit Company
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Dead Sea Kit Company
Consumer Report

Dead Sea Kit
Consumer Report

Dead Sea Beauty Kit
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Dead Sea Beauty Kit
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Dead Sea Kit Company
Consumer Report

Dead Sea Kit Company
Consumer Report