Consumer Report


Received email soliciting for "mystery shopper" type evaluators. Responded with my info. Received 2nd email describing that I was going to receive money order for over $900.00 and I was to cash it and keep $200.00 and send the rest to another person within the USA and evaluate Western Union employees or experience at Western Union. When I read that email I googled email origin and found it was a scam. I immediately emailed that I read it was a farce and would have nothing to do with it. Today I received a priority mail envelope from an existing car shop in Arizona. We called the company and they reported receiving several complaints of similar description. The money order looks genuine. It is supposedly issued by the USPS (the number of which does not exist). Tomorrow I am making a phone call to USPS fraud office and see what they want to do

Country: USA
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Kelly Gaskin Group of Chattered Accountants & Auditors
Consumer Report

Herve laplante
Eddy smith mystery shopper money order/cashier's check scam, Haiti

Smith Cole
Mystery shopper scam!

Bianca. Brownell
Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Emonroe Consult, Evelyn Monroe
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Secret Shoppe
Consumer Report

Simi Bay
Gary Lemco and Melanie Kennedy Just got a money order for $975 and was asked to Western Union all but $200 to an address in Manila, Philippenes

Mystery Shopper offer from Regina Madalia
Consumer Report

Mystery Shopper/James Patterson
Jill Waltz, Richard Bill, Martins Moore Tried to scam me to send money on to a so called other Mystery Shopper through Western Union