Consumer Report


I originally checked out this website for because it said that the first three days were free, but as i subscribed later on in the evening i decided that i did not want this website. So i called the number and xplained to them that i no longer wanted to be in this website, and i would appreciate if they would take my information off their list. The man told me that there would be no problem and that i would not be charged any amount. That was two months ago, and i have now been charged for two different months of service after i had cancelled my subscription after just one day! I was charged $34.99 each! Please take care of this problem, or i will be forced to get ahold of the BBB. Thank you very much for ur time!:-)

Company: UfiBill.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8009350519
Site: ufibill.com
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Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Ripoff refused refund on website, not ordered, not used, was cancelled, no refund

Warner Health Care
Avlimil ripoff

Consumer Report

I went online to there website and cancelled my subscription in may they asked why i said i didnt even know i was subscribed. They said i would have no more payments come out of my checking

Kevin Trudeau
Natural Cures.com, Bought book, does not have information claimed, Paid to register on website, information claimed still not available. Tried to unsubscribe, been charged two more months. Cannot access website. Ripoff Nationwide

Cancellation for subscription does not work

Consumer Report

PC Gamer
Created fake subscription in my name