App Stack
Consumer Report


I was charge a fee of $149.00 for a one (1) month worth of advertisement, however, I've yet to make a dime. One of the reason I'm unable to make a dime is because the calls that I'm getting are way out of my service area. I called and spoke to someone and he assured me that it would be taking care of and nothing happened. Now I ran out of $ money within a days period. I've tried to contact them to no avail no one have reach out to me. Please don't use this company for any advertisement. I wish I had looked them up I would have seen all these complaints and I would not have going ahead with it.By the its a Taxi company that I use them for.

Company: App Stack
Country: USA
State: California
City: Temecula
ZIP: 92593
Address: 41955 Fourth Street, Suite 320
Phone: 8889083678
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Johnny Foy Aka Foy's Treasures
Ripoff It has been two years now and I still have not seen one dime or any of my product returned to me!

Smoke Assasins llc
Smoke assasin smoke assasins saying free when really not, and takes over 2 weeks to recieve product! Internet

Medicus Stack and Tilt
LIED and then majorly overcharged
Avoid this advertisement

Deceptive marketing

Additional Biz
Took me for over $1,500 said I should make 3-5k a month and I never made a dime, I have tried calling and leaving messages for over a year and no one ever answers the phone and they have never returned calls

Ripoff advertisement was misleading. They took my money

Burger King
Radio ads

Don Lapre
Rip-offs con artists, crooks, shamsters, criminals, liers!