Don Lapre
Rip-offs con artists, crooks, shamsters, criminals, liers!


Yeah, they suckered me as well $39.95 to get me started in the 900 business. Then well you will make even more money with our special website. Ok, now another $895.00. Okay well we have set-up fees too - huh??? Another $295.00. We'll give you a discount for a commercial on your website that will explain everything for you. Okay but this is getting way to expensive - "yeah but you are going to make so much money" - "you do want to make lots of money right?" "you have to spend money to make some."

Just so you know they also got me for the stupid so called "greatest vitamins in the world" too for $495.00 after paying 29.95 for the starter kit. All bull!!! You wont make a dime. You will not make one red blood dime nor nickel even. Stay away from these companies!!!

All lies!!! Slicksters!!! One time after i spoke to customer service they for got to hang the phone up and i could hear their sales team in the background having some kind of meeting. From what i could hear they were laughing about all the money that cam e in, how much more they would earn, and joking about peoples complaints and suspicions.

It was some strange game to them regarding how much they could rake in while keeping complaints at bay.

They are totally aware of what they are doing to people and its wrong. Something needs to be done about this. People are spending their last dollars in some cases to this so called company with the hopes of making a better way of life for themselves. This is wrong!!!

If you've been had by this company immediately or any other companies like them ie., tom bosley's (smc) call the attorney generals office or fill out the online complaint for your state.

If it seems too good to be true then believe it.

Bensalem, Pennsylvania

Company: Don Lapre
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Phone: 80036652773
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Don Lapre-the Greatest Vitamin In The World
Don lapre - the greatest vitamin in the world olso thinking a litel difrent don lapre is rip off hangry haina arizona

Don Larpre akaThe Greatest Vitamins In The World
Don Lapre The Greatest Vitamins In The World ripoff

The Greatest Vitamin In The World
Separates you from your hard-earned money with high-pressure sales tactics

The Greatest Vitamin In The World By Don Lapre
The greatest vitamin scam in the world a discrace to the vitamins that are good palo alto

The Greastest Vitamin In The World - The Greatest Vitamin ripoff In The World I never received any vitamins

The Greatest Vitamins In The World
Ripoff, extremely dishonest, false advertising, fraudulent, scam, scam artists, con artists, cheat, greedy

The world greatest vitamin
The company rip me off of my money which was thousands and rip me off on advertising which cost hundreds of dollars. I wish there was a way to get my money back and sue Don Lapre up

The Greatest Vitamin In The World - Don Lapre
The Greatest Vitamin In The World Don Lapre Torica Productions scammed, robbed, lied, misrepresented

Don LaPre
Don Lapre's new scam Vitamins 1-800-449-6099 Same lame promises of wealth

The Greatest Vitamins In The World By Don Lapre
The World Greatest Vitamins By Don Lapre False Advertisment, fool and misguide people in order to rob thousand of dollars