IT Solutions Non-existant Company
Consumer Report


These scammers are sending out invoices after calling and getting names of employees. The invoice comes in the following day with correct street, contact person, and bills for supplies for copier etc. On first glance it looks legit. They include a flyer offering a $100 gift card delivered overnight if you include your name and extension with payment. Why is the state of california allowing this to happen??? Prosecuters go after these criminal slime balls.

Company: IT Solutions Non-existant Company
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
ZIP: 90004
Address: 269 S. Western Ave., #171
  <     >  


IT Solutions
Consumer Report

IT Solutions
Consumer Report

IT Solutions
Consumer Report

Progressive Office Products IDCSERVCO
PROGRESSIVE OFFICE PRODUCTS Fraudulant order for copier supplies ripoff

IT Solutions
Consumer Report

IT Solutions
Consumer Report

IT Solutions
Consumer Report

Data Solutions 269 S. Western Avenue, Ste. # 270 Los Angeles, CA 90004
Consumer Report

Forsythe Data Equipment Co
Bogus invoices faxed overnight

IT Solutions
Consumer Report