Junko sardina
Liar & cheat works at kabuto international Alemeda


Junko sardina married mike sardina my brother to stay in usa

She lied to ins courts and thinks she can get away with it

She stole his kids that she has abused and is hidding in a safe house in alemeda

The kids belong with there father mike sardina

She falsely accused him of abuse again lieng to usa and police and courts

She is a fraud she admitted to all of us she only wanted to stay in usa

She must be deported and face criminal charges and the kids are united states citizens must stay with their father they love and adore in there home land usa

Anna Maria
San Francisco California

Company: Junko sardina
Country: USA
State: California
City: Alemeda
Address: works at kabuto international in san francisco
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Paific Mitigation Group, Alliance Mitigation Group
Rudy Sardina, Heidi Hernandez, Jason Rogland Claiming to get my apr to a 4% and lower my payments, MODIFICATION

Alliance Midigation group
Pacific Midigation group Mortgage modification ripoff... Rudy Sardina and Alliance Midigation AKA Pacific Midigation stole our Money

Alliance Mitigation group
Pacific Mitigation group Rudy Sardina and his associate Heidi Hernandez will take you money and not return calls!

Matthew Blair Hutchinson
Dead beat dad-The worst!

William And Patsy Prinz
Cold hearted Father and Stepmother Brainwashing my children

Robert Jeffrey Ellick
An abuser, cheat and liar

Denise Martin
Took my kids because i was being abused by there father... My daughter now got bite by a dog in foster care

Ryan Lee Ramsey
I need any info that will help me on him

Law office of Thomas J Sherwood
Did not honor Guarantee

Mike R From BankOne
Mike r deadbeat father in arrears of 42,000 and change!