Capital Choice Consumer Credit
The people ripped us off!


I can't believe these people! I am at a loss of words. My husband and I have been having hard times with money. It's not easy trying to start a living and a small business in this day and time. Exspecially when there are people out there trying to rip innocent people off. With everything that's going on in this country right now, why do "fraud" companies keep pulling there crap!? These are the times this country and everyone in it should be helping each other. Not stabbing each other in the back! My husband and I both read the paper that these people sent and neither of us caught on to the crap they wrote. Not until today when we recieved another credit card application in the mail! He called me and wanted me to check the one we already sent off for because we both thought it was the same company. When I tried to find the resemblance it obviosly wasn't there. I got worried and came straight to the computer and decided to look this company up online. Of course to my suprise it's not what I wanted to see! We sent off for this "$5000" credit card thinking that we could finaly improve our credit. FAT CHANCE! I didn't want to believe that this was to good to be true! It never crossed our minds that we would be had! I guess these people have no concience what so ever. Hopefully no one else will be had like us! Be sure to know that all of us that have been had should take action towards this company. Hopefully someone allready has. Hears to hope for this country, and God bless.

Bandera, Texas

Company: Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 9590 NW 25 Street
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit ripped me off, i want my money back!

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Nipped in the bud thanks to your complaint

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit THINKTHEY CAN RIP OFF INNOCENT PEOPLE

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Thanks to this web site we didn't get ripped off again!

Capital choice consumer credit
Bullshit credit company Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Thanks to you I would have been another victim

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit - fraud from day one

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit ripoff Thanks

Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice conumer credit almost ripped me off thanks