Optimum, Cable Vision
Consumer Report


Cable version inter opted my service from 3 am to 7.30 am and did claim it was an outage the I'd not volunteer to gige a credit for the 5 hrs outage. I am a disabled person has ms problem sleeping I use Internet and tv to keep me awake during night time I called them they sai sorry and they did not compensate their customers for that inconvenience they assuming everybody is sleep. Just listing after being optima customer for so many years may be 15 years I was royall but cable vision was not. Ask me why. For the first time I did try to connect my iPad to wifi and called emailed optima customer support service for help asking them why my iPad cannot pick up wifi my answer unfortunately you pay $44.00 until we tell you what a great service great job. B mahabadi unfortunately your fool customer for so many years instead of helping me asking for 44.00 dollars to help help your customer wants to pay you and use. Your service everything costs not to the customers expense you have to chip in something how come you did not credit me on that five hours outage you asking
G fo 44. Dollars to tell me how to use your service and pay you shame on you I need the respond if I don't have to poy any fees thanks mahabadi 5/19. Thankyou

Company: Optimum, Cable Vision
Country: USA
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ATTUverse customer service

Time Warner Cable
Cable TV outage caused by TWC "update" - Time Warner Cable, Internet, Phone and TV

Mediacom Cable/Internet
Service outage, internet goes in and out, now won't load superpass. Real.com

AT&T U-verse
Customer service

Suddelink cable
Cable outage requires 2 calls to get credit! Internet

Direct TV
Constant service outages

Vision Systems LLC
Poor service, Rip off thier customers, low quality, bad service

Time Warner Cable
Internet Outage - Road Runner High Speed Internet

Comcast Cable
No Cable outage for 10 days and counting

Comcast Cable
No Cable outage for 10 days and counting