Blooms Today
Blooms today—total scam! - Blooms today rose bouquet


My fiancé ordered flowers for me for my first Mother's Day since my son was born on Friday and also payed for next day delivery. Not only did they charge him hidden fees (a 9.99 membership fee?) but he did not receive his order the next day, or at all for that matter. They flowers were only 39.95 and after their fees it came to 77.50. We called customer service but they were closed. I am very angry he got upset he thinks he ruined Mother's Day. They charged our debit card and from other reviews we can only assume we not be receiving our order at all. Tomorrow we plan on calling BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU on them because of all the people who have had ruined holidays. Whatever you do do NOT order from Blooms Today!!! Please anyone and everyone with similar experience help us get this company shut down by calling the better business bureau with us!

Company: Blooms Today
Country: USA
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Blooms Today very poor business
Blooms Today did not deliver my Valentine's Day and Mother's Day flowers. - floral delivery

Blooms Today

Flowers Today/Blooms Today
Flowers Today / Blooms Today Blooms Today Rewards is a rip-off!

Blooms Today
Blooms today: i will never order flowers from them again!

Blooms Today
Blooms Today is a HORRIBLE business!

Blooms Today, Flowers Sent Today, Inc.,
Horrendous service, false advertising, money-stealing scam

Blooms Today
Blooms Today does not back up their promises - Blooms Today

Blooms Today

Blooms Today
Blooms Today... Vanentine Flowers Dead on Arrival - 24 long stemmed roses lavende

Blooms Today
Bad experience - Online Flower Orde