Mike Alexander & Paul Allen Who Claimed To Be Working For Googleul
Consumer Report


Mike Alexander contacted me first in August claiming that he worked for Google who had a website for me that had been started by Franklin Financial who had gone out of business and that Google was interested in getting that website upgraded and running better because it was still producing money.
He claimed the website was generating a steady flow of traffic for the past 2 years, and that the money $18,000 was being held in escrow. He said it would not cost us anything to upgrade the website as they would get a grant to do it. Next he told us after looking it over more that there was a second account, so the total was $22,417.15. Said it would take 15-20 days to finish the website after the grant went through. We ask him for some paper prove on this account. He sent us a Google AdSense Account Statement. After several more phone calls from him, he told us to get a premium website we would need to pay $2100 - which he listed several benefits. After much persuasion from him and he telling us that we would get it back it would just be held in escrow until all the money was released to us. So we sent a check on 11/13 for $2100 to All American Inc. 4400 n. Scottsdale Rd. #9555, Scottsdale, AZ 85251. On 11/20 Mike called and said he would call us the next Monday and set up the day & time - maybe Friday for the package with the money to be delivered to us. We never heard back from him and could never get in touch with him again. His number was 415-603-8635. Tried to contact several ways through Google online etc... Finally the end of Jan. Or the beginning of Feb. We wrote the Attorney Generals Office in California. They indicated they couldn't do anything for individuals.
Then on April 18 we got a call from Paul Allen claiming to be from the same Google office. He stated that Mike Alexander had left and he had just run across our account and wanted to get it going again. He gave us our account reference # G15476891. His employee # IL131486822, phone # 415-218-8716. Went through a lot of the same details with him. Now, he claimed we needed a security deposit but that they would split it with us. Our part was $1250.00. He also stated that we would get this all back along with the other $2100 as soon as the money from the site was released to us. The $1250 was sent to Amazon Holdings LLC, 2040 S. Alma School Rd., Suite #1,457 Chandler, AZ 85286. We were in contact with him by phone several times, then on 4/30 he said we needed a license which he had applied for, but it would take 7-10 days. On April 3rd he called and said he would call us the next Monday morning and set the time for the delivery by currier of our package (the money) for either Tues. Or Wednesday. That is the last contact we have had. Have tried to call, left a message the first time. Since then we just get the message that he is not accepting calls at this time. I have tried to contact google by phone & internet. Finally on May 2nd I sent a letter to their SanFrancisco office to ask if any of the men we had names for worked there or not. Have not heard back from them yet. How do we find out if this is really Goggle or not. Yesterday we contacted our Credit Card company which the last amount was sent from and they are going to try to track it down also.
Thanks for any help you can give us.
Linda and Clarence Wandell
(Personal Information Removed)

Company: Mike Alexander & Paul Allen Who Claimed To Be Working For Googleul
Country: USA
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