Vivian Swan
Consumer Report


Charged me for services and never recieved anything, now when I try to call her, it goes to voice mail, then it says call back, because its full. I've sent her several messages and tried to call her. NOTHING, on her site she promises no scam... That is all it is a SCAM...

Company: Vivian Swan
Country: USA
Phone: 8177603084
  <     >  


Vivian Swan
Consumer Report

Vivian Cole
Consumer Report

Patrick Vivian
Deceitful calculating thief, lower mainland

Vivian Cole
Consumer Report

Universal Subscription Agency
Liars about receiving magazine, liars about receiving refund, liars about calling back

Vivian's Poodles And/or Vivian's Yorkies
Bait and Switch - Advertisng a 10 week as a 5 month to make appear small for age

ASI Conference Systems
Vivian Wright-Bolton delayed paying interpreters and didn't make promot action to inquiry

Vivian Aurthe
Consumer Report

Vivian Wright-Bolton
ASI Conference Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada Does not pay interpreters at all. Does not respond to inquiries promptly due to alleged technical issues

Vivian Cole
Consumer Report