Consumer Report


Hi my sister has used my card without me knowing she applyed for a loan witch i did not need i with for a refound please as you have taken 30 odd pounds off me

Company: EPayDay
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Gulf Breeze
ZIP: 32562-0304
Address: P.O. Box 304
Phone: 8669787646
Site: epayday.com
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Palm Loan Advances
Consumer Report

Epayday.com They Got All My Information For A Loan And Hung Up On Me
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Epayday.com called me on my cell phone and had some information about me and said I was in default on a loan I was not in default of and requested I send them $10,000.00 by Friday to stop proceedings

First National Credit Service
Fs Rosenberg ripoff dishonest Ontario nationwide

Leads Valley
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Cheap Loans Limited
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Nationwide Cash Collection
I applyed for a loan and they did not send the money but took $140.00 out of banking account

EPM V-Money.co.uk
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