Pure Berry Max
Consumer Report


This company advertises Pureberry Max at a trial for only $3.80 US, then send the product without fully disclosed billing advice, months later when you get a quarterly statement you see that they have billed you $80 Australian... And furthermore send and bill for additional quantities withouit any permission from the unsuspecting customer. Sending & billing for unsolicited product... And send a threat regarding the consumer committing "friendly Fraud" then warn the suckers to not contact their banks, but the company... Lets see how easy they are to contact, especially from overseas... Unscrupuolous predators!!! A total scam!!!

Company: Pure Berry Max
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Aurora
ZIP: 80019
Address: 22100 East 26th Ave., #100
Phone: 8887771342
Site: pureberrymaxsite.net
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Pure Berry Max
Consumer Report

Bed defense
I ordered from this company online, the offer was for a free trial of their product. I recieved the free trial but this company continues to send me their product monthly and billing my credit card, a

Pure Berry Max
Consumer Report

Sent trial, but billed account before I had a chance to use trial product

Pure Colon 1000
"Trial Offer" is an expensive scam!

Nutridaxa (PureBerry Max)
Consumer Report

Pureberry Max
Beware of Trial Offer from Pureberry Max

Pure Berry Max
Consumer Report

Resveratrol Ultra
Hollywood, Florida misrepresented a free trial by sending and billing for more than monthly supplies and not answering phone and no way to cancel and stop billing

Advance Wellness Research, Pure Acia Berry
Pure Ac Offer Free Trial of their product, at the end of the trial period they charge for it! $78.81