Eqinox AKA SkinBeauties
Consumer Report


The above companies are a total scam and fraud. Free 14 day trial for day and night cream. They send two pkgs so it looks like a different company. When you call to cancel only one cancels and the other charges your credit card. When you call they swear it is not the same company. The address they send it from is exactly the same. Any way if I buy the day and night cream when do I use the other cream??

Company: Eqinox AKA SkinBeauties
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Bluffdale
ZIP: 84065
Address: 14953 Heritagecrest Way, Suite C
Phone: 8773161904, 8778629839, 8778629835, 8775240272, 8775992652, 8773161859
Site: sheridanlabs.com
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Equinox Day and Night Cream
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