Exclusive Employment Cente
Consumer Report


This is a job agency company. I paid the amount of 58 dollars they took my money and lied to me. They are fraud they fail to do what they promised. This people are rude refuse to refund ur money.

Company: Exclusive Employment Cente
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
ZIP: 90010
Address: 3350 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite #779
Phone: 2133654913, 2133654934
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Exclusive Advertising Affiliates
Exclusive advertising and affiliates is a fraud and a waste of your time

Permay Employment Agency
Consumer Report

Employment consulting international
Bill Cook, Lonna, Andrew The company (Bill Cook) took $480.00 from me for a service to assist me in international employment

Employment One

Leadsimplicity.com lead simplicity Very misleading in their emails too me about the exclusiveness of their leads. Each lead I called was not exclusive and had been called by many other people

Home employment association
Home employment agency work at home

Permay Agency
Permay Employment Agency New York Permay Employment Agency Rips Off Single Unemployed Mothe

Exclusive Home Profit
Consumer Report

Kluger Marketing Group
Exclusive Advertising - Premier Books Possibly MMG uses alias names cons graduates into interviews and possiblity of employment multiple names for same office spam on every job search engine

Home Employment Association
Home employment agency home emploment alliance work at home