Telcel America
Consumer Report


When I purchased my wife’s phone from Radio Shack the plan details stated there was unlimited calls, text, and internet to Mexico for $60.00. For a month there were no problems, and we were getting the service as promised. Now they have changed the contract to state that you get unlimited calls to landlines in Mexico and only 400 minutes to cell phones. At least for me this is huge, because no one that we know has a landline in Mexico. That means that we are paying. 15 cents a minute to call, which is more than Sprint or even some of the pre-pay cards charge you. If they had said they were going to charge a different price for cells phones I would of never bout it. Now I’m out $60.00 for the purchase of a (Inappropriate Content Removed) Motorola phone that I won’t be using again.

Company: Telcel America
Country: USA
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Telcel America
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

The Real Imagination LLC
Consumer Report

A T And T
Good luck with billing and using your phone in Mexico

The company's world headquarters are located in Mexico City, Mexico. Its Mexican subsidiary Telcel is the largest mobile operator in Mexico, commanding a market share in excess of 70 the U Mexican Company Mexico City

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