Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report


They say I ordered a listing on 8/23.inever talked to anyone from them or ordered a listing. I have phone listing with Dex and Hibu who send me a bill every month. Never got a bill from these people until this month for $1900.00. I never ordered anything from them and in fact I told them I did not want their service.

Company: Yellow Pages America, Inc
Country: USA
State: Panama
City: Panama City
ZIP: 01310
Address: Punta Pacifica, 15th Floor
Phone: 5073014841
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Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

ADTEL AMERICA - Yellow Pages Directories - Nationwide America's Pride
SCAM Report ripoff Misleading false advertising

Yellow Pages
Ripoff scam yellow pages

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yello Pages Directories
Law Offices of W.C. French Total Scam

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report