Bank Corp Bank 813-474-4289
Consumer Report


Hello, I was reading another complaint againts these scammers. They also told me to go get 2 PayPower cards, that I was approved for 3,000 dollars. I stupidly went and bought these cards. They told me once I get the cards dont open them, to call them back. I called them back at 813-474-4289. They told me to open the cards and give me the card numbers and exp. Etc. And then transfered me to another man which was from the visa credit department and said our credit was not good enough and told me I needed to go get a money pack for 180.00, and he would give me the pin number and I would get my money in 45 min. Thankfully I said nevermind I dont want the loan. I told them to give me the pin for the 40 dollars that I loaded on there, that I wasnt going any further with this because something seemed very wrong. I forgot to mention the first guy I talked to was "Jose" and spoke with an Iraqian type voice. Once I argued with them to returm my money, they began to cuss me with the most vulgar comments you can think of and told me they were gonna kill me and many other things. I reported it to my local law enforcement and also reported it to PayPower. I have to change my bamk account number and passwords to my e-mail, because they keep trying to access information. Well when I talk to a person at Pay Power they told me the scammers spent my money at and told me they were going to investigate the phone number etc. And told me they were very sorry. Well Im glad I didnt follow through with the whole scam, or Id be out of a whole lot more. People, please be smart! If it sounds too good to be true it most likely is. I learned my lesson and Im very angry and thats an understatement. These guys need to be caught and prosecuted ASAP!!!

Company: Bank Corp Bank 813-474-4289
Country: USA
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Major malfunction

GE Money Bank
Consumer Report

CCA First National Credit
Ripoff false advertising rude can barely speek english low life scum

MetaBank Fraudulent practices, was given false information and there is no live customer support

First Capital Consumers Group
Offered a 2 credit cards 1 Visa $2000 1 Mastercard $2500 for $199 0% interest Deceptive Company - Thanks!

Ccs Credit Division
Ripoff got 400.00 bill in the mail for cards i didnt want they emptyed my account

CR Bancorp
Scammers ripoff a number that may help

1st National Card Service
They scam me its a con florida largo florida 4
Consumer Report
Consumer Report