Skincare CompanyAnd Perfect Radiance
Consumer Report


I had money taken out illegally, without my permission or consent or any prior agreement of my bank account and that was with a rate of twice in a month. I had this happening in total 5 times. As a consequence, I lost my money and I became overdrawn and in debt to the bank. These transactions were illegal. I never allowed them or asked them to set an account for me. I never agreed on signing on with them or setting an account as agreement of purchase. Worst of all, they never sent me anything just one pack having a night cream, a day cream and a serum... I was not meant to pay for it, as it was a free sample... There was no agreement set between us for purchase or being a regular customer... Those 3 items were meant to be free samples, and then it appeared that it is a scam... I took the matter in hand and talked to my bank and two years gone down the line and I haven't had a penny back. I was just ripped off in the Day light. The matter still in dispute between me and the bank. I phoned the company of revitaderm myself and asked for a refund, they refused to pay back my money that they took illegally and without any agreement... That had to charge for £ 5.95 as a shipping fee. They even claimed they sent more products as in return for that money that they took and guess what I had received nothing... The bank just informed me today I am not going to get that money with a sorry from the bank and a letter from a debt collectors on the behalf of the bank because of the money overdrawn and the bank charges from my account that was the bank's money and my money thanks to to revita derm's free sample that cost me the skin of my teeth. Here is the sums they took out:
£5.95 /£5.97/£74.95/£79.99 and finally £74.95
. I am wondering what kind of business is that that is based on ripping people off and breaking the law. I still want my money back. The least of it a refund and a letter of apology.

Company: Skincare CompanyAnd Perfect Radiance
Country: USA
City: Taunton Somerset
Address: Longrun House, Longrun Lane, Bishops Hull
Phone: 4401823272633
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