Magazine Publishers Service
Consumer Report


I was called cause they told me I won a watch I accept the watch but then after they had offered me some magazine stuff and said for 57.00 for 6 monthes it pays for that and that I can cancel at anytime blah blah I've been getting phone raped from them now for weeks stating I need to pay 57$ an month I was not told this so today April. 3.2013 I had called them bitched them out told them they are a scam and to keep my money and stop sending those magazines and take my name off

Company: Magazine Publishers Service
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Hudson
ZIP: 34674
Address: PO Box 5070
Phone: 8007840232
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Magazine Publishers Service
Consumer Report

Magazine publishers service
I was told I cancel at anytime by a rep. Also told i was only to pay like 3.00$ and am now payin 23.00$ I am very scared that this is gonna go on my credit score. I was also told there were many oth

National Magazine Exchange
Scam, ILLEGAL Clear Water Florida

BestBuyWin. Mobi
Consumer Report

OSI Magazine Sales
Consumer Report

Magazine City
$150 rip off - Magazine City

Active Periodicals
P.O. Box 1188 Deerfield Beech, FL 33443 "GOT ME"&SCAM SCAM SCAM&Promise of A DIAMOND WATCH and magazines FOR ONLY $15 A MONTH!

National Magazine Exchange
Unrequested magazines and charges

Magazine publishers
Scam, Scam, Scam

United Publishers Of America
Just like alot of you, they got me, beware of deception Midland Michigan