Safe Smoke Vapors
Consumer Report


This company thru NBC shop at HOME, offered their product free with no obligation for $4.95 shipping. They then fraudulently charged my account $109.76, when I tried to send it back, They refused and hung up on me 3 times, blew loud whistles in my ear twice, then repeatedly called my buisness phone saying there was nothing I could do. I had to threaten "Kim" was all she would give as her name to be jailed for harassing communications. They are a SCAM!

Company: Safe Smoke Vapors
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami Beach
ZIP: 33141
Address: 6538 Collins Avenue, #95
Phone: 8884914919
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Safe Smoke Vapors
Consumer Report

Safe Smoke Vapors
Consumer Report

Safe Smoke Vapors
Consumer Report

Safe Smoke Vapors
Consumer Report

Safe smoke vapors
Fl electrionic trial cig

Safe Smoke Vapors
Consumer Report

Safe smoke 51
Consumer Report

Safe Smoke Vapors
Consumer Report

Safe Smoke Vapors
Consumer Report

Safe Smoke Vapors
Consumer Report