Dead Sea Kit Company
Consumer Report


This company is charging for product that has not even been delivered and when you try to reach someone to talk too all you get is an answering machine. What a scam. The product is shit.

Company: Dead Sea Kit Company
Country: USA
State: ON
City: Woodbridge
Address: 170 Zenway Boulevard, Unit 3
Phone: 8007175794, 8009489189, 8009865613, 9058505044, 4402036429301
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Dead Sea Kit Company
Consumer Report

Dead Sea Beauty Kit
Consumer Report

Dead Sea Kit Company
Consumer Report

Dead Sea Beauty Kit
Consumer Report

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Consumer Report

Dead Sea Kit Company
Consumer Report

Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop
Tell you 10.99 but really 24.97, no chance to review before charge

Dead Sea Beauty Kit
Consumer Report

REI review and complaint - Customer Service