Consumer Report


I recieved a call from this number in which a man who had a real strong indian accent stated that i have 3 charges against my social security number. He kept on about how i needed to pay 5,000$ in cash for court fees and so on. Then went on to say i can pay 1850$ just to settle out of court. Finally after 30 minutes he only wanted 300$ until i could pay the remaining balance of 1850$ on monday. When i said i wasnt going to pay him anything he said he was going to inform the police department to pick me up on a warrant with in the hour. Mind you this was 5 hours ago. When he got frustrated he hung up and said this matter would force me to lose my job and that he hopes i do.

Company: 347-921-0317
Country: USA
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Fast Cash International
Financial Crimes Division FRAUD - SCAMMERS - IDENTITY THEFT

Cash Net Marketing/Department of Law & Investigation
Officer Sam Johnson and Officer Robin Wilson I recieved a call three times including one time at work from Department of law & investigation, Officer Sam Johnson. He stated that I have been accused of 3 different fraudulent internet activities w

Fast Cash Internatonal
"Jack" calls at work yelling name calling police will be to my door in 48 hours $655- 2000 total!

US National Pay Day Loans
Indian accented man calling me with threats of jail India?

American Legal Services
Attempted to scam me with false claims

ACS Law Firm
Person with thick Indian accent stated his name was Johnny Lee Advance Cash USA and ACS Claim Money is Owed, But I Never Heard of Them

US Department of Justice
Tried to scam me into giving them money to settle a phony court case!

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Threatened legal action for not paying a loan I never took

United Nations Legal Department
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Fast Cash International
Defrauded Payday Loan - Federal Charges - Court Appearence - Arrest at Work - Defense Attorney - PANIC Unknown