US Department of Justice
Tried to scam me into giving them money to settle a phony court case!

Business & Finance

Recieved a call from this "company" stating that myself and my mother were used as references on a suit account against my sister. He had a very thick Indian accent and stated that his name was "David Jones"; an attorney with the US Department of Justice. He stated that we were facing charges in a criminal court and were scheduled to appear in California next week. He proceeded to tell me that I could settle the case by phone for a sum of the total owed. I knew this was some B. S; a reference cannot be sued on a consumer loan default so I told him so. He argued with me and said I would be arrested so I very colorfully told him where he can stick it and hung up. After I googled the number I found that they are genuine scammers and have harrased numerous others so I reported them to the FBI.

Company: US Department of Justice
Country: USA
State: California
Address: GlendaLE cALIFORNIA
Phone: 8186270925
  <     >  


ACS Law Firm
Person with thick Indian accent stated his name was Johnny Lee Advance Cash USA and ACS Claim Money is Owed, But I Never Heard of Them

Cash Advance USA
Threatened legal action for not paying a loan I never took
Threatened me with police and court action for a payday loan I never got

United Cash Advance
David Jones, Daniel US Legal Department

Consumer Report

Financial Crimes Department - FBI SCAM ALERT-786-484-2270

Peter Jones
Cash advance usa, ez cash usa cash advance usa scams! Unknown

Department of Law Investigation
Foreign people calling about a Federally Regulated Dept of the United States Government

Federal Crimes Investigations
David blake, sean marsh indian scammers using cash advance's name! Unknown

National Affidavit Processing